Chemical Injection Systems

Chlorination systems are used to correct severe iron and sulphur problems that are beyond the capabilities of greensand or air birm systems.  These systems include a chemical storage tank to hold the chlorine, a chemical injection pump, a retention tank to give the chemical time to work, a filter to remove the oxidized iron and sulphur and a filter to remove the chlorine once it has done its job.
We also offer hydrogen peroxide injection systems which use hydrogen peroxide as the oxidizer instead of chlorine.  Hydrogen peroxide is one of  the strongest oxidizers available and is used to treat extreme iron and sulphur problems that are beyond the capabilities of chlorination systems.  

These systems are equally effective in residential and commercial applications and both offer excellent bacterial protection as a by-product of the oxidation process.  

Chemical injection can also be used to correct the pH of water.

Please contact us for a free water analysis to determine the most appropriate system for your needs.

Chemical Injection  Pump